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Child custody matters to consider when a parent relocates

On Behalf of | Oct 11, 2017 | Child Custody & Support, Firm News

Families in Kentucky relocate all the time for various reasons. However, when a divorced parent needs to move away to benefit from family support in another location, an employment opportunity or a remarriage, child custody issues can complicate such plans considerably. Invariably, parents who cannot agree on these matters will likely wind up in court.

The court will consider factors that include ensuring the child will maintain some continuity and stability in his or her life. Questions the court will address will focus on how a move would impact the parenting time of the other parent as well as how the breaking of ties with current friends and the community will affect the child. The distance of the move will also matter, with more consideration needed for a relocation across the country.

The court will have to be satisfied that the move is in the best interest of the child and not merely an act of jeopardizing the child’s relationship with the other parent. The child’s age along with his or her relationship with the other parent will be a major consideration, particularly with young children who do not have a concept of time yet. In some cases, the court may consider a child mature enough to voice his or her opinion and concerns.

Relocation of a divorced parent will always be an emotional and complicated issue — regardless of who has child custody. Kentucky parents who face this type of dilemma may find the support and guidance on an experienced divorce law attorney helpful at this difficult time. Not only can a lawyer answer questions and explain the options and requirements under divorce law, he or she may also provide valuable advice and input that may make the process easier.

Source:, “A Move Away Parent“, Accessed on Oct. 6, 2017