As a father facing the prospect of a custody battle in Kentucky, you may be wondering where you stand legally. While times are changing, the reality is that courts have historically leaned towards awarding custody to mothers. This raises a crucial question: Is sole...
Child Custody & Support
5 tips for trying to co-parent effectively
When most people go through a divorce, they don’t have to deal with their ex any longer. But, if you have children with your ex, that’s almost certainly not going to be an option. With this in mind, you’ll have to find ways that you can handle your new co-parenting...
How can fathers achieve fair custody in divorce?
As a father, it is crucial that you stay present in your child's life--especially after a divorce. While mothers may have been more likely to receive primary custody of their children years ago, Kentucky laws today favor joint custody when it is in the child's best...
3 factors that may affect your co-parenting
When children are involved in a divorce, discussions change – parents make every decision in their best interest. If you and your spouse choose co-parenting, your kids will spend time with both of you on a determined schedule. Sharing custody has numerous benefits...
Moving after a divorce: good faith reasons
Divorced parents may find that their ability to move becomes limited after the separation. They are now co-parents who are sharing custody of their child. This means that they are not allowed to move whenever they want, at least not if they’re going to take that child...
Money matters you and your ex should discuss
For some people, going through a divorce means that you can completely cut ties with your ex. This isn’t the case when you have children. Transitioning to co-parents instead of parents who are in a romantic relationship with each other is a major change. One of the...
Divorce or separation can be good for your child
It is often the case that parents stay in an unhealthy relationship because they are afraid a divorce might hurt their child. You should not have anything to worry about if you think a divorce or separation might affect your child. You may not realize that an...
Parental alienation is real — and a big problem
Many fathers are thwarted in their attempts to develop and continue their relationships with their children because those children’s other parents do their best to keep the fathers from their kids. The term for this is parental alienation and it can cause great damage...
Reasons you may need to modify your Kentucky child custody order
When you get a divorce as a parent, you will receive court orders regarding child custody and visitation. You and your co-parent must comply with this order. However, most custody plans do not continue meeting the needs of families on a long-term basis. As you know,...
How does Kentucky enforce a parent’s child support obligations?
The United States has worked hard in recent decades to enforce parental child support obligations. Lawmakers in the nation understand that children need financial support from both parents to remain healthy and happy. As such, each state utilizes several methods of...