Fathers, regardless of their marital status, have the right to be involved in their children's lives. In Kentucky, unmarried fathers can seek visitation rights to maintain a meaningful relationship with their children. Establishing paternity in Kentucky Unmarried...
Father’s rights & paternity
3 main challenges to establishing paternity as a father
One of the reasons a father seeks paternity is to have a voice in his child's future. Paternity gives fathers not only the right to custody but also a say in major decisions affecting their child's life. However, discovering you're fathering a child doesn't...
Who can bring a paternity action in court?
In Kentucky, just as in other states, the law acknowledges that unwed fathers do not have automatic parental rights and responsibilities and must establish paternity to gain them. However, a common misconception about paternity cases is that only the alleged father...
The rights of fathers before birth
The scope of a father’s rights depends on factors like their marital or relationship status with the child’s mother. Although fathers generally don’t have the same level of decision-making power as mothers regarding an unborn child, they can exercise their parental...
The rights of fathers in Kentucky
In Kentucky, as in many states, the law aims to prioritize the child’s welfare and actively safeguards the rights of both mothers and fathers. For fathers facing divorce or seeking to establish paternity, knowing your rights is the first step towards ensuring a fair...
Options when your child’s father refuses to confirm paternity
Fathers have the right to deny that they are a child's biological father. However, should the father of your child do this, you are not left powerless. Thanks to Kentucky laws, you have an alternative legal avenue to affirm the paternity of your child. The process of...
Can I request support from my child’s father even if we are unwed?
In Kentucky, if your child was born out of wedlock, the father does not have the right to request custody or visitation over your child. Correspondingly, they also do not have the responsibility to provide support. If you want to demand support from your child’s...
Is genetic testing required to establish paternity in Kentucky?
Many children are born out of wedlock, either by chance or by their parents’ choice. Fathers who want to have an active part in their children’s lives or mothers who want their children’s fathers to provide support legally can achieve their respective goals by...
What rights does a father have to see their child?
A strong and healthy father-child relationship is essential for the child’s emotional and psychological development. Research shows that involved fathers contribute significantly to their children’s well-being, academic achievement and overall life outcomes. The...
Are you the legally recognized father of your child?
In most instances, fathers are not automatically recognized as legal parents if a child is born outside of marriage -- at least in the eyes of the law. If you do not establish paternity, the mother remains the sole legal guardian and custodial parent of the child....