If you are preparing to file for divorce from your spouse in Kentucky and are researching ways to go about deciding on a child custody arrangement, chances are you may have been bombarded with information overload about the options you have. While helpful at times, such drastic differences in opinion and suggestions can make it difficult for you to identify a single approach that will be best for the needs of your family.
According to NBC News, a relatively new concept that you may have heard about is the idea of “nesting.” This type of parenting would require you and your spouse to share an apartment or another temporary residence and to maintain your current home as the primary residence for your children. Say for instance you and your soon-to-be-ex take turns to spend time with your children every other weekend. The weekend you are with your children, you will live at your home and your ex will be at the shared apartment. The next weekend, you will both trade residences. Research shows that children who have a stable household and are able to maintain their routine despite the change in their parents’ relationship, experience many positive benefits.
What you should acknowledge is that this kind of arrangement may be difficult if you are looking to completely sever ties with your ex. Likewise, if you and your ex are not on amicable terms and unable to get along at all, coordinating a shared residence may be impossible. Identifying a child custody arrangement that accounts for the unique circumstances of your family is imperative to making a decision that will benefit everyone involved.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.