When Kentucky parents get divorced, some people may expect to have joint custody of the children. If a court awards sole custody to one parent, however, this means the other parent will likely have visitation rights. In this situation, people usually have to set a visitation schedule.
There are two different kinds of visitation a court might award. FindLaw says the first kind is a fixed visitation schedule. This means that a judge might set certain times when the non-custodial parent can see his or her children, such as every Saturday and certain weekdays. A judge may also lay out where these visits will take place. The other type of visitation is reasonable visitation. This means that the parents can come up with their own visitation schedule. Some people may wonder why a court might set a visitation schedule in some cases but not in others. Most of the time, a judge might opt for a fixed visitation schedule if people have had a conflict-filled divorce. If parents have cooperated throughout a divorce, though, a court may be more likely to let them find a visitation schedule.
When parents can set their own visitation schedule, they may wonder what this plan should look like. According to Very Well Family, it is a good idea for people to find a visitation schedule that works for the whole family and not just the custodial spouse. This means that the kids may have overnight visits during the week with the non-custodial parent and spend some holidays with him or her. This schedule may also have the kids spending every other weekend with the non-custodial parent. People may want to build their visitation schedule slowly to find what works best for their particular situation.
Once families find a schedule that works for them, it is important for them to write it down. This can help the schedule become part of the family’s routine. It is also important to remember that a plan should be flexible. During the summer, for example, some families might decide that the non-custodial parent should have the kids for a few consecutive weeks so he or she can enjoy plenty of bonding time with the kids. Additionally, sometimes one parent may have a change in his or her work hours or one of the children might have a medical emergency. In these situations, it is important for parents to be understanding and communicate with their ex-spouse so everyone is on the same page.