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Photo of Lisa L. Johnson

Questions to ask when your child needs a babysitter

On Behalf of | Oct 19, 2022 | Child Custody & Visitation

When developing a co-parenting plan, which many divorced couples are likely to have, you and your child’s other parent may have much to discuss. It’s probable that you and the co-parent will have to discuss when your child is cared for, where they’ll go to school, what their diet is and what’s best for their general well-being. All of this comes together to make a well-structured parenting plan that works for you and the co-parent.

One option parents often overlook is what happens when you or the co-parent has to leave your child home alone (to run errands, work overtime or in an emergency). The odds are likely you or the co-parent will get a babysitter or family member to watch over your child. When this happens, you or the co-parent may request a right of first refusal.

Here’s what you should know if you’re just learning about the right of first refusal:

Getting a right of first refusal clause

The right of first refusal may be an important clause in your parenting plan. In short, if you or the co-parent have to call a babysitter or daycare, the other parent must have the option to care for the child first. This way, parents or co-parents are given more time with their children.

When deciding on a right of first refusal clause in a co-parenting plan, you may need to make a few considerations. Here are some questions to consider:

  • How often will you or the co-parent have to get a babysitter?
  • How long do you or your co-parent have to be away, before offering the right of first refusal to the other?
  • How long do you or the co-parent get to spend with your child?
  • Before offering the right of first refusal, can you or the co-parent leave your child with family first?
  • Where will your child be when the other parent has the right of first refusal?

Co-parenting plans can be difficult for parents who are making their first agreement. If you believe the right of first refusal is beneficial for you and the co-parent, you may need to know what options you have.